

Plugin for letting @ref links fall back to @extref links.


This plugin is available only with Documenter >= v1.3.0 and should be considered as experimental.

fallbacks = ExternalFallbacks(pairs...)

defines a mapping of @ref-slugs to @external links. If an @ref cannot be resolved locally, the InterLinks plugin will be used to resolve it with the @extref link target defined in the mapping.

The @ref-slug can be found in the message printed by Documenter when it cannot resolve an @ref link, e.g.,

Error: Cannot resolve @ref for 'makedocs' …
Error: Cannot resolve @ref for 'Other-Output-Formats'

from some unresolvable links [`makedocs`](@ref) and [Other Output Formats](@ref).

The "slug" is the string inside the quotes. It should be mapped to a complete @extref link, e.g.,

fallbacks = ExternalFallbacks(
    "makedocs" => "@extref Documenter.makedocs",
    "Other-Output-Formats" =>  "@extref Documenter `Other-Output-Formats`",

This will then resolve the link [`makedocs`](@ref) as if it had been written as [`makedocs`](@extref Documenter.makedocs), and [Other Output Format](@ref) as if it had been written as [Other Output Format](@extref Documenter `Other-Output-Formats`) and link to makedocs and Other Output Formats, respectively.


Plugin for enabling external links in Documenter.jl.

links = InterLinks(

instantiates a plugin object that must be passed as an element of the plugins keyword argument to Documenter.makedocs. This then enables @extref links in the project's documentation to be resolved, see the Syntax documentation for details. The mappings connect project names to project root URLs and inventories, e.g.,

links = InterLinks(
    "Julia" => (
        joinpath(@__DIR__, "inventories", "Julia.toml")
    "Documenter" => "",
    "sphinx" => "";

See the details below.


The InterLinks plugin receives mappings of project names to the project root URL and inventory locations. Each project names must be an alphanumerical ASCII string. For Julia projects, it should be the name of the package without the .jl suffix, e.g., "Documenter" for Documenter.jl. For Python projects, it should be the name of project's main module.

The root url / inventory location (the value of the mapping), can be given in any of the following forms (from most common to least common):

  • A single string with a project root URL, e.g., the "sphinx" entry in the above example. The URL must end with a slash. This looks for the inventory file with the name corresponding to default_inventory_file directly underneath the given root URL. This is the most common form.

  • A tuple of strings, where the first element is the project root URL and all subsequent elements are locations (URLs or local file paths) to an inventory file. The first reachable inventory file will be used. This enables, e.g., to define a local inventory file as a fallback in case the online inventory file location is unreachable, as in the "Julia" entry in the above example.

  • A single string with a URL of the inventory file, e.g., the "Documenter" entry in the above example. The root URL relative to which all URIs inside the inventory are taken is everything up to the final slash in the inventory URL, "" in this case. Note that the string has to be a URL, not a local file path, as a file path contains no implicit information about a project's root URL.

  • A DocInventories.Inventory instance. This may be useful for using a dynamically constructed inventory.

Keyword arguments

The keyword arguments to InterLinks are experimental and may change in minor versions.

  • default_inventory_file: The file name for the inventory file to use if the "inventory location" is given as the root URL. Since both Sphinx and Documenter automatically write objects.inv, there is little conceivable reason to set this to something other than the default "objects.inv".

  • alias_methods_as_function: If true (default), for any inventory loaded from a file or URL, automatically add a :jl:function: alias for any :jl:method if that alias is unambiguous. This accounts for Documenter preferentially generating method-docstrings from @autodoc blocks, even if that method is the only method for the underlying function. For example, the Documenter.Selectors.dispatch function only has a method-docstring that would have to be referenced as the excessively long

    [`Documenter.Selectors.dispatch`](@extref `Documenter.Selectors.dispatch-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Type{T}, Vararg{Any}}} where T<:Documenter.Selectors.AbstractSelector`)

    With the alias, this can be shortened to [`Documenter.Selectors.dispatch`](@extref). No alias will be created if there are docstrings for multiple methods of the same function, or if there is an existing function docstring.


  • names: A list of project names
  • inventories: A dictionary of project names to DocInventories.Inventory instances
  • rx: a Regex that matches any valid @extref expression that can be resolved.

The InterLinks object also acts as a (read-only) ordered dictionary so that, e.g., links["project1"] returns the DocInventories.Inventory for that project.


Free-form search in a particular inventory is possible with, e.g.,


See the discussion on search in the DocInventories.Inventory documentation. Such a search returns a list of matching DocInventories.InventoryItem instances.

In addition,


allows to search across all inventories. This returns a list of @extref strings that could be used to reference the matching items.


See also

The InterLinks mapping is deliberately reminiscent of the intersphinx_mapping setting in Sphinx.


Find an @extref link in any of the InterLinks inventories.

url = find_in_interlinks(links, extref)

finds extref in links and returns the full URL that resolves the link.


  • links: the InterLinks instance to resolve the reference in
  • extref: a string of the form "@extref [project] [[:domain][:role]:]name"